The Ranking Of Bragg Hands

In this article I describe how the ranking works for different hands in the card game bragg. There are a number of different versions of bragg and I will describe the most popular version here. I will start with the highest rank of hand and will also include the probability of obtaining each hand and the amount of possible combinations for each han

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Ronaldinho Biography

Ronaldo de Assis Moreira is a famous Brazilian football player who is better known as Ronaldinho Gacho. His name Ronaldinho was used to distinguish him from a fellow Brazilian football celebrity whose name is also Ronaldo. Gacho was used when the existing Ronaldo was also known as Ronaldinho. He was born on March 21, 1980 i

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Sports Apparel For College Students

Apparel for college sports has become more and more sophisticated. No longer does one rely on just plain sports apparel, there are also other more technologically advanced sportswear that provides better fit and more comfort for the wearer. A wide selection of different fabrics is now available and used in a number of appar

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The First Truth About Trading

Take two traders, give them the same starting capital, the same trading platform, the same market and the same trading system with precise rules for entry and exit. Come back a month later and what will you find? One trader will be up 20% and the other down 40%. Its amazing isnt it, how two people can have the same opportunities in life and yet get

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Female Business leaders becoming the norm

Anousheh Ansari, Abigail Johnson, Martha Stewart & Oprah. What does all these women have in common? They are successful entrepreneurs. Leading the group of successful female entrepreneurs is Anousheh Ansari, founder of Telecom Technologies Inc and Prodea Systems. Anousheh has sold multiple companies, her first being T

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